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Medium Author Bio - 85 words
Crystal Caudill is the author of “dangerously good historical romance.” Her debut novel, Counterfeit Love, was a 2023 Carol Award finalist, and her novella, “Star of Wonder,” won the 2024 Christy Award for short form. She loves history, hot tea, all things bookish, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. She is a stay-at-home mom, caregiver, and chaos organizer. When she isn’t writing, Crystal can be found hanging with her family and playing board games at her home outside Cincinnati, Ohio. Find out more at crystalcaudill.com.
Shorter Author Bio - 32 words
Crystal Caudill is the Christy Award winning author of faith-filled, “dangerously good historical romance.” Learn more about her Gilded Age novels, bonus material, and how to connect with her through her website, crystalcaudill.com.
Short Author Bio - 65 words
Crystal Caudill is the author of “dangerously good historical romance.” Her debut novel, Counterfeit Love, was a 2023 Carol Award finalist, and her novella, “Star of Wonder,” won the 2024 Christy Award for short form. She adores connecting with and praying for her readers. You can learn more about her Gilded Age novels, bonus material, and how to connect with her through her website, crystalcaudill.com.
Long Author Bio - 128 words
Crystal Caudill is the author of faith-filled, “dangerously good historical romance.” Her debut novel, Counterfeit Love, was a 2023 Carol Award finalist, and her novella, “Star of Wonder,” won the 2024 Christy Award for short form. Being an avid reader herself, she adores talking books with her readers and praying for them through her social media and newsletter.
She loves history, hot tea, all things bookish, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. She is a stay-at-home mom, caregiver, and chaos organizer. When she isn’t writing, Crystal can be found hanging with her family and playing board games at her home outside Cincinnati, Ohio.
You can learn more about her Gilded Age novels, bonus material, and how to get a free novella from her by visiting her website, crystalcaudill.com.
Extra Long Author Bio (252 words)
Crystal Caudill is the author of faith-filled, “dangerously good historical romance.” Her debut novel, Counterfeit Love, was a 2023 Carol Award finalist, and her novella, “Star of Wonder,” won the 2024 Christy Award for short form. Being an avid reader herself, she adores talking books with her readers and praying for them through her social media and newsletter.
Though she has always written stories, the call to write for publication was an unexpected one and one she fought God on until He got His way. Which, spoiler alert, God always gets His way. Now she writes stories that are filled with authentic and hard-won faith, lesser-known history, mystery/suspense, family dynamics that can be messy, and romance that reflects God’s love for us. She’s not a romantic–she doesn’t even like watching cartoons kiss–but she believes God’s love for us is the most romantic story ever told. Who doesn’t want to be pursued, loved without reserve, and sacrificed for? Thankfully, God has given Crystal a romantic husband whose example has helped her to write swoony heroes.
She loves history, hot tea, all things bookish, Baby Yoda, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, funny t-shirts, and fun socks. She is a stay-at-home mom, caregiver, and chaos organizer. When she isn’t writing, Crystal can be found hanging with her family and playing board games at her home outside Cincinnati, Ohio.
You can learn more about her Gilded Age novels, bonus material, and how to get a free novella from her by visiting her website, crystalcaudill.com.
Speaker Bio - 106 words
CRYSTAL CAUDILL is an award-winning author of “dangerously good historical romance” with Kregel Publications and is an experienced workshop presenter. As a former educator, she has a heart for teaching and encouraging others to grow in their God-given callings to write. She is a member of ACFW, Faith Hope & Love, and is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency. Her debut novel, Counterfeit Love, was a 2023 Carol Award finalist, and her novella, “Star of Wonder,” won the 2024 Christ Award for short form. Learn more about Crystal and her books at www.crystalcaudill.com where you can also sign up for her author newlsetter.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://crystalcaudill.com/
Newsletter Sign-Up: https://crystalcaudill.com/newsletter/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crystalcaudillauthor/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crystalcaudillsreadingfriends/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crystalcaudillauthor/
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/crystalcaudillauthor
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/crystal-caudill
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Crystal-Caudill/author/B099XB2MMK
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/crystalcaudillauthor/
Media Kit:
Media Kit Download – Bio, contact information, social media links, awards
Possible Interview Questions – Questions with answers included
2024: Christy Award® Winner – “Star of Wonder” from We Three Kings: A Romance Christmas Collect (Short Form)
2023: Carol Award Finalist – Counterfeit Love – ACFW (Debut Book category)
2019: Golden Heart Finalist – RWA – Counterfeit Love (pre-published)
2019: Crown Award Finalist – ACFW Virginia – Counterfeit Love (pre-published)
2018: Fabulous Five Wisconsin RWA Award Winner – Counterfeit Love (pre-published)
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