Workshop Store
Writing is one of those careers where you spend a lot of time and money learning the craft at your own pace and on your own terms. I’ve spent nearly a decade learning the various aspects of writing craft, writing as a business, and marketing, and I’m still learning. It is my hope that the workshops below will aid you on your writing journey and save you some of the learning curves I had to experience all at an affordable price. I have purposely priced these workshops low because we are all on budgets, and 99% of us aren’t making what Stephen King or J.K. Rowling makes. New workshops will be added as I have time to make them.
Workshops are grouped by one of the following topics: Writing Craft, Business, and Marketing.
When purchasing a workshop, you will receive a one-time use link on your receipt to download your workshop. Save your receipt and download to a safe place, and please do not share with others.
If you are putting together a retreat or group event and would like me to Zoom in to teach or would like to use a video to share with your group, please use the contact form so we can work it out. A lot of time and effort went into making these workshops.
If you have any troubles, please email me or use the contact form to reach out.
Writing Craft Workshops
Plotting 101: A Pantser’s Perspective –What is plotting? Why does it even matter? It all boils down to story structure. Understanding story structure is a crucial skill for every author. Even pantsers must adhere to it if they hope to be published. Yet, creating a story without a muddled middle or an anticlimactic ending takes diligent work and a thorough understanding of structure. Using the movie Shrek, we will break down the four-part story structure and how to apply it to plotting a book. This workshop is hands-on and offers a chance for you to brainstorm a story as we work through the presentation.
Length: 40 minutes, not including the pause time for hands-on practice
Additional Resources included: M&M Plotting Worksheet, Four Part Structure Overview, Detailed Four Part Structure Breakdown
Price: $15
Purchase your workshop here:
World-building: A Multi-Genre How-To – No matter what genre of fiction you write, world-building is a key element in getting your reader into the story world. However, each genre has its own set of world-building needs. We’ll take a look at what those are, what to take into consideration, and how to build your story’s world in such a way that readers never want to leave. Participants will walk away with information and hands-on practice.
Length: 30 minutes, not including the pause time for hands-on practice
Price: $10
Purchase your workshop here:
Marketing Workshops
Coming Soon
Business Workshops
Coming Soon