Take the 2021 Reading Challenge
Unlocking the Past: American History
A 2021 Reading Challenge
I’ve noticed over the years that many avid readers like to participate in reading challenges. Well this year, I decided to create my own and make it a giveaway opportunity. Since historical fiction/romance is my preferred genre of reading, that’s where we’re staying. Who knows, I may make this a yearly thing and focus on a different aspect of history each year.
This year’s reading challenge theme will be “American History” since that is my favorite. Each month will feature a different time-period. On the last day of the month, I’ll review my read the fulfills the challenge.
Monthly Prizes & How You Can Participate
Who doesn’t like to win prizes? Well, here’s your chance. Each month read a book from the indicated time period, then on my Unlocking the Past monthly post, comment with which book you read that month. One commenter will win a free copy of the book I reviewed. This will be open to international winners, but if the book is unavailable to ship to you through Book Depository you will receive a $10 (USD) Amazon gift card. You’ll have one week after I post my review to comment and be entered.
The Grand Prize – A copy of every book reviewed throughout the year.
Every month you comment on what you read, you’ll get one entry into the pot. Read all twelve months? Guess what! That’s 12 entries. Want extra entries? Each month I’ll put a KingSumo link at the bottom with options on how to share about monthly and grand prize giveaways. Each time you share, it’s an extra entry. On December 31, 2021, I’ll draw for the grand prize winner.
So what do you think? Are you game? You can start with earning extra entries now by sharing about this giveaway with the Rafflecopter link below. You can share daily for extra entries until January 15. After that, there will be a new giveaway each month. As a thank you for getting the word out, you’ll be entered in a special giveaway for a $15 Baker Bookhouse gift card.
Unlocking the Past: American History
2021 Reading Challenge
January – Colonial Period (1600s to 1760s)
February – American Revolution & War of 1812 (1760’s to 1815)
March – Westward Expansion (1815 to 1860s – Pioneers, Oregon Trail, Gold Rushes)
April – Civil War
May – Wild West (1860s to 1890s)
June – Gilded Age (1870s to 1900)
July – Progressive Era (1890s to 1920s)
August – WWI
September – Roaring 20s and/or Great Depression (1920s to1941)
October – WWII
November – Contemporary
December – Pick Your Favorite Time American Time Period
Want a bookmark to help keep your place or to help you spread the word? Fill out this Google Form.