It’s a contract!

It’s a contract!

So I’m highjacking my normal schedule and doing the last Tuesday of the month today because the news of signing a contract couldn’t wait. Here is the video if you want to watch the news as I nervously announced it on Facebook Live, or below is the transcript, minus my many ums, but still full of run-on sentences. Until I had to listen to myself to type up the transcript, I didn’t realize how much I say “and,” “so,” or “just” when talking. So forgive my inarticulate speaking. I do much better teaching than I do speaking. LOL

THANK YOU so much for supporting me and encouraging me through this journey. Not much will change for my blog posts, they will still primarily be book reviews of Historical Romance/Fiction. 🙂  If you want to join my newsletter crew, you can sign up to the right, or you can visit

So I guess I am going live now. Hi, it’s a little nerve-wracking to be online in front of everybody but I am so excited to come before you on Facebook Live as best I can to share some amazing news of God’s grace and mercy and His blessing in my writing journey. But a wise friend told me to kill a few seconds to give people to click the Facebook Live link to kind of catch up, and I don’t want anyone to miss out on this news. I am going to try and follow comments but I’m not sure if I can. This is my first Facebook Live.

The most important thing that I want you to get from this announcement today is that God sees you, He knows your heart, and loves you anyways, and He enjoys showing you that love in ways you never expected or dreamed.

So I always have written but I never really dreamed of publication. It was something I thought was “Yeah, that would be cool one day,” but that wasn’t something I sought. God really pushed me into pursuing publication about five years ago, and as much as I would love to spend time telling you God’s grace and mercy and how He’s worked through me in that, that’s not what this announcement is about.

God is the fulfiller of promises and the giver of dreams. So it is with great joy, and awe, and gratefulness that I announce that God has seen fit to bless me with a three-book contract with Kregel Publications for my Secret Service Historical Romance Series.

This was such big news that I had to do it live as best I could. I wish you could be here and have a cup of tea, some chocolate, and really get to celebrate it with me, but I had to share. This writing journey has just been filled with so many twists and turns, ups and downs, and guys you are the ones who have been there supporting me and encouraging me, and I just want to say thank you. This writing journey would not have been what it is without you. I just want to say thank you so so much.

It’s my humble prayer that you will be blessed by these stories as I have been. This is a long publication process. So the first book won’t actually come out until early 2022, even though my first manuscript is due October 15th of this year. But between now and then, there is going to be title reveals, cover reveals, call for launch team members, contests, and just any way I can get interactive with you, get to know you, and get you excited about this story as much as I am.

My newsletter subscribers are the first people to find anything out so there are quite a few of you out there that already knew this news. But if you want to join my newsletter and be in the loop and see all those things first hand, I will pop that link down in my comments here in a little bit.

But you probably want to know a little bit about the series. So I’m a huge fan of stories that have danger, history, love, hope, and that’s exactly like the type of story that I write. The series that I’ve been contracted to publish is about the Secret Service during the 1880’s. It focuses on three particular Secret Service operatives, and this was the era before they protected the president.

The Secret Service has an amazing history that is just so fascinating, and I won’t go into all the details and bore you, I promise I won’t. I could spend hours on it, but during the time of my story, they were focused on hunting down counterfeiters and arresting them. I read some amazing first-hand accounts by those operatives from that time period. I can’t wait to share some of those stories that have been inspired by that. And especially the women that I threw into their lives. Because I’m cruel and I’m evil, and I like it.

Life isn’t easy and I certainly don’t make it easy for my characters, and I just hope through their experiences and through the story that you read that you will have some excitement and entertainment, but that you also see how God will work through our lives in the good times and the bad times, and the really really bad times. God is always there and His hope is always there, and so that’s the underlying theme of the Secret Service series.

But before I sign off, I do want to share with you the Bible verses that have been the guide for my writing journey. And it comes from 1 Peter 4:10 -11 and it says: “Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others, as good managers of the varied grace of God. If anyone speaks, it should be as one who speaks God’s words; if anyone serves, it should be from the strength that God provides, so that God may be glorified through Jesus Christ in everything. To Him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.”

It is only through God’s grace and mercy that I’ve been given this opportunity.  I pray that this gift He’s given me will be something that glorifies Him today, tomorrow, and forever, and that through this writing, that you will know exactly how much He loves you.

So, thank you so much for your continued support on this writing journey. I’ll throw up the newsletter link here in the comments if you’d like to keep in the loop that way. Again, thank you so much, guys. You’ll never know exactly how much your support means to me. God bless, have a great weekend, and thank you, thank you, thank you.

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