Happy Thanksgiving!


I pray today is filled with many blessings. I challenge you to count your blessings, not just for the good things but also the bad things. Below is my prayer for you.


Dear Lord and Heavenly Father,

We praise Your precious name for who You are. Our minds are incapable of fully understanding Your ways or even Your love. You are Creator, Savior, I AM. You have always been, are right now, and will always be. Thank you.

Forgive us our shortcomings, moments of tempers and complaining, and even the bitterness that sometimes tries to work its way into our day and hearts. Help us to turn our eyes to You and see our family, our cooking, our cleaning, and the service of today through Your eyes.

Thank you for Your Spirit that resides within us, for the sacrifice of Jesus so that we might have Your Spirit and a relationship with You. Thank You, Jesus for Your obedience to death, for Your power to conquer death and bring us back into a personal relationship through Your blood.

Bless my readers today with a spirit of joy and gratitude. Open their eyes to even the smallest blessing, even if it may be in the midst of grief. May those who are alone this holiday be brought into the folds of Your love through the heart and kind gesture of one of Your servants.  Help our focus to be outward and now inward.

It is Your Holy and precious name we pray.



Happy Thanksgiving, all!



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