Meet Walter “Pax” Paxton from Jaycee Weaver’s Sure About You
One of my new favorite things to do this year is to interview characters. They are so much fun, and it just really gets you connected to them even before (or after) you’ve read the book. Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to Walter “Pax” Paxton from Sure About You by Jaycee Weaver. Sure About You is a novella from the upcoming The 80s Rom-Com Club set with books from Jaycee Weaver, Teresa Tysinger, Mikal Dawn, Jennifer Rodewald, Bell Renshaw, and Betsy St. Amant.
*Deal Alert: The 80s Rom Com Club is on sale for preorders until 4/26 (release day) at only $3.99.*
Before we meet Pax officially, let me introduce you to his story:
Sure About You by Jaycee Weaver
Editor, foodie, and 80s movies lover Isley Bradford lives by her trusty planner. Securing her dream job means traveling to a conference with the too-charming coworker she loathes. But with each bump in the road—some literally—he challenges her perceptions and makes her laugh. She’d had her future perfectly planned. Now? She’s not so sure.
CC: Hi Pax! It is so great to meet you. Would you please introduce yourself to my readers?
WP: Hey, I’m Pax. I enjoy long nights under the stars and—wait, this isn’t a dating site. What am I doing? Sorry—although I do enjoy a good stargaze. But you’re not here for that.
So, uh, I’m a writer for DFW Daily, an online celebrity gossip magazine (though maybe not for long if I keep phoning it in the way I have been lately…), and my favorite about my job—besides unlimited access to coffee—is pressing my coworker Isley’s buttons. I can’t help it. She just has so many!
CC: So you’re in the market for a girl, huh? And you enjoy pressing a certain woman’s buttons? That sounds like a recipe for a lot of fun, romantic trouble. So what’s your role in this story?
WP: Well, as I mentioned, I’m a writer for an online magazine. It’s not exactly my dream job, but it pays the bills and I’m pretty decent at it. If I cared more, I’d be excellent, but I’m in kind of a weird place. My boss put me on probation after the last article I wrote, meaning I’m stuck working closely with Isley, one of the editors, for the next month. Boy is she unhappy with the arrangement. Don’t tell her this, but I’m kind of looking forward to working with her—if only for the ample opportunities to needle her and push her outside her comfort zone.
CC: Oh you are a character, I can already tell. I’m already excited to see how this needling goes. Since you’re on probation and you’re in this weird spot, how do you think others view you?Â
WP: Is it cliche to say ‘it’s complicated’? I wasn’t a great guy until six months ago, so anyone who knew me before would probably describe me as charming, a bit of a player, easy-going… the older set has used the word “nonchalant” a time or two. After coming back to my faith, I’m still pretty charming, but I’ve been floundering as I try to figure myself out. So I guess they might still also use easy-going if they liked me, aimless if they don’t. I would hope they’d also find me earnest and funny.
I’m not sure I like this question—it makes me way too introspective. How about we talk movies or play a game instead?
CC: Discovering who we are after we return to our faith, or even start our faith, can be a difficult road to walk. Now that you’ve come to faith, how do you view God in your life?
WP: He’s my rescuer, and I mean that honestly. I was living 100% for myself, heading down a path that led to nowhere good. He kept after me, though, until one day I realized I couldn’t keep living like I was, disappointing Him and my family with my choices. I walked away from that old me and I’ve been working to become the man He wants me to be. Still have a long way to go, but I’m grateful for grace.
CC: Amen to that. That journey can be a tough one, but I know just making that journey is going to make you perfect for the right girl.
Maybe a girl like Isley? In fact, let’s talk about her. How would you describe her?
WP: Where do I begin?
Competitive. Controlling. Coffee addict. Annoyingly neurotic. Also kind of funny with dark brown hair that falls down her back in a cascade, hazel eyes that miss nothing, and great legs (especially when she wears those heels) that draw attention to her appealing—
Ahem. Sorry, that’s not where you were probably going with this question. Is it getting hot in here? No? Just me? (Chill, Pax, you aren’t that guy anymore.)
In a nutshell, Isley… well, she’s a lot cooler than I first thought. I sure hope she’s not reading this.
Oh, buddy. Bless your heart. Reading your story is going to be a hoot. I can already tell.
Let’s get a little personal. What’s one of your happiest memories?
WP: My dad remarried after we lost my mom. I wasn’t too happy about that, being a new teenager and all, but my stepmom came as a package deal—a bright-eyed toddler with flaming red hair. The first time I met my sister Stefanie, I was a goner. She’s wicked smart and growing up way too fast (man, that makes me sound old).
CC: Awww!! It sounds like you were made to be an older brother. I love it. I can’t wait to get to know you, Isley, and maybe your little sister in Sure About You.
Readers, if you have already laughed and fallen in love with Walter “Pax” Paxton like I have, you can preorder The 80s Rom Com Club collection for $3.99 at Amazon. There you can read about the other rollicking novellas included from Teresa Tysinger (last week’s interview), Mikal Dawn, Jennifer Rodewald, Bell Renshaw, and Betsy St. Amant.
Readers, in the comments below, what was your favorite thing about the 80s? (And if you’re not that old, what makes you think of the 80s?)
About The 80’s Rom Com Club novella collection:
Is there, like, anything more totally awesome than the fun, feel-good rom-com blockbusters of the 1980s? The women who make up the online Just Another 80s Rom-Com Lovers Club don’t think so. Join these digital friends as they each live out their own swoon-worthy love stories, minus teased bangs and mini skirts, reminiscent of some your favorite romantic comedies from the most righteous decade.
About Jaycee Weaver:
Jaycee Weaver lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with her amazing husband, three daughters, a crazy shih-tzu, and a dwarf rabbit. When she’s not writing, she’s probably in hot pursuit of her 90 million other hobbies or shuttling the kids around. Jaycee loves to read books in multiple genres, drink too much coffee (honestly, when are they going to make the coffee IV a real thing?!), sing, take landscape and floral photos, sew, cook, bake, and craft nearly anything. She considers herself a recovering perfectionist and sometimes hot mess. She does her best to live her faith in action, being open, honest, and real; letting God be Lord over the good, the bad, and the ugly even when it’s hard.
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