2020 has been a year for the record books. Everyone across the globe has been challenged during this time, and yet there have been some good things come out of it. Although so many conferences have been canceled this year, many have shifted to an online venue, opening up access to many who would not be able to attend otherwise. This is true of the Kentucky Christian Writer’s Conference. I am so blessed to have led the Teen Seminar last year, and while this year’s seminar has been pushed off to 2021, I am pleased to say that the online KCWC conference will be open to teens for this year.
Not a teen? The KCWC is a great opportunity for writers of all levels and ages. The faculty line up and topics are fantastic, and if you register, you will have access to the recordings for 6 months. Below is the key information to know, and I encourage you to visit the website to get a look at the classes being offered.
We take a break from our usual book reviews and author interviews for THREE big announcements… with a Rafflecopter Giveaway to celebrate at the end. CASSANDRA IS THE WINNER – PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL.
Crystal signed with an agent!
Yep, that’s right! I am so blessed to have signed with Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency to represent me and my work. Writing has been and is a sacrifice for my family, so the picture below is me signing my contract surrounded by the wonderful support of my household. Never let anyone tell you writing is a solitary journey. There may be solitary aspects, but it certainly takes a village of support.
Hubby, Youngest, MIL, and Eldest. 🙂 I am so blessed by them all.
Tamela Hancock Murray is a bestselling author of over thirty novels, novellas, and nonfiction books, and won an RWA Inspirational Readers Choice Award (follow this link for a complete list of her books). Although her current writing for publication is limited to the Agency blog, because of her experience, Tamela brings the perspective of a working writer to her role as a literary agent. She represents many top authors and continues to develop new talent.
Crystal is teaching at the Kentucky Christian Writer’s Conference
If you or an interested teen are near Elizabethtown, Kentucky June 20-22, 2019, I invite you to register for the Kentucky Christian Writer’s Conference. I am so blessed to be teaching the first ever Teen Seminar on Saturday. Kentucky Christian Writer’s Conference was where God first called me to pursue publishing, so it is always a conference I recommend. You never know what God has in store for you. If you go, let me know so I can be sure to connect with you.
That number may not seem very big to many, but to me it is amazing! I pray that you are exposed to lots of great Christian Historical Fiction books to add to your TBR piles and new authors you may have never seen otherwise.
Let’s celebrate with a giveaway!
It’s been a while since I’ve done a Rafflecopter giveaway, but these announcements are too big to just let slide by!
Entries are open until midnight (EST) on April 30th. Print prizes limited to United States, if an international winner, a $10 Amazon Gift card will be substituted. Open to all participants 18 and older where allowed. Rafflecopter will randomly pick the winner.
One winner will receive a print copy of Traces of Mercy by Michael Landon, Jr., a journal, and a spattering of bookmarks from various authors.
At the war’s end, a young woman suffers an accident that leaves her unconscious and alone. Waking with amnesia, she takes the name Mercy and wants more than anything to find out the truth of her past. But then a handsome stranger arrives, who may hold the key to everything she has forgotten. What he knows could devastate her future, and even end her life.
Thank you for celebrating with me! In the comments, tell me one thing you are celebrating this week.