Reader Resolutions
The first week of January is already almost behind us. How are you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions? I have moved away from making resolutions and have instead taken up the One Word idea (choosing one word to be my focus for this year). But that doesn’t mean I haven’t made goals for the New Year. My friend, KyLee Woodley, wrote a fantastic post about New Year’s goals which you can read here.
This year I have made several goals split by category: Writing, Reading, and Personal. I’ll give a glimpse of my writing and personal at the end, but what I wanted to really focus on was Reading Resolutions.
Are you are on GoodReads? I have been on it for years, but this is the first year that I am actually going to participate in the GoodReads Reading Challenge. I’d love for you to join me in the challenge and if you so desire, you can add me onto your friend’s list: Crystal Caudill.
My reading goal this year? Read and review 24 books.Â
I am struggling to make my list. There are so many great books, but here are the ones already there (in no particular order):
- A Rumored Fortune by Joanna Davidson Politano
Too Far Down by Mary Connealy
A Spy’s Devotion by Malanie Dickerson
- A Viscount’s Proposal by Melanie Dickerson
- A Dangerous Engagement by Melanie Dickerson
- Plots and Pans by Kelly Eileen Hake
- Â The Lacemaker by Laura Frantz
- Â The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenback by Bethany Turner
- Â Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay
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Heart on the Line by Karen Witemeyer
Whither Shall I Go? by Gina Holder
- Engraved on the Heart by Tara Johnson
- The Innkeepers Daughter by Michelle Griep
- 12 Days at Bleakly Manor by Michelle Griep
What books do you recommend I add to my list? Do you have any reading goals? Please share them below! Facebook has made interacting with people more difficult on my author page, so I hope to be able to interact better with you here.
1. Finish editing WIP by the end of January.  2. Plot out the two following books. 3. Begin a new WIP in March and have it finished by December.
1. Repaint the basement and upstairs main room. 2. Be more present with my kids, friends, and other family members. 3. Balance my responsibilities and still remain sane.
What about you? Did you make any goals or resolutions? Share them and/or your book recommendations below! I am so thankful for anyone who takes the time to read these posts. The internet is a hard world to be in. Bless you and have a great day!