Author Interview: Stacy T. Simmons
I am so blessed to introduce to you a fellow author and friend, Stacy Simmons. Her newest release A Promise for Faith is the first in her Briar Creek Love series as well as being her debut. Allow me to properly introduce Stacy.
Stacy T. Simmons writes uplifting fiction that delights the reader’s romantic sensibilities. Many years of marital bliss are a great contributor. By day she is a Special Education inclusion Paraprofessional. By night, she is happily working on her next manuscript and corralling her and her family’s menagerie of pets she likes to call “Noah’s Ark.”
Connect with her through her website, Bookbub, Facebook, Twitter, or Goodreads.
Now for the fun stuff! I have to admit I am partial to my Fast Five. 🙂 So settle in as I hit Stacy with rapid-fire.
CC: Milk or Dark Chocolate?
SS: Milk but any chocolate is wonderful!.
CC: Print or E-book?
SS: Print
CC: Cat or Dog Person?
SS: Both!
CC: Morning Person or Night Owl?
SS: Morning with coffee : )
CC: Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter?
SS: Summer
Now for a couple fun personal questions:
CC: How can we pray for you?
SS: For people to read and feel uplifted by my novel, thank you.
CC: It is so scary to have your book other there and to both worry that no one will read it. It’s so important to us as Christian writers to also lift up your readers, so I totally get that. We will be praying.
CC: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
SS: As a teen I wrote horrible poetry, I wrote but never published a children’s book ages ago. What rekindled my fire was seeing the love of students reading their books six years earlier. It made me want to write a story they might read someday.
CC: I think it is the curse of every teenager to write horrible poetry. LOL We are so glad that your students inspired you to write again.
CC: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
SS: I love to listen to music, I pray before writing and will sing some Christian pop songs.
CC: I’m a music listener too! Mostly instrumental though. Words mess me up while I’m typing.
Let’s talk abot your debut releast, A Promise for Faith.
Secrets have the power to ruin lives. Faith and love have the power to disarm those secrets.
Failure isn’t an option for Faith Fuller, She wants to prove to herself and her very successful parents she can stand on her own, even if it means accepting a job offer from someone she wanted to forget. To add to the problem, that job means facing her biggest fear.
Caleb Gaines is looking for a manager for his coffee shop. He’s in over his head running his successful river outfitters business, and being a single dad to a preschooler. But the perfect candidate wants nothing to do with him. Risk-taker Caleb is up for a challenge and wants to convince Faith to help him.
If neither one relies on faith and learns to trust, any chance at love will be washed downstream.
An out-of-work chef and successful river outfitter are both hiding secret tragedies. How much faith will it take to learn to trust in each other, overcome obstacles, and find love?
CC: How did this story affect you as you wrote it? Did God teach you anything through the writing?
SS: Patience and endurance. Writing a novel is not a sprint but a long winding path through the forest. You won’t see the end until some time from now.
CC: Amen. And sometimes that forest is a scary place to be.
How do you select the names of your characters?
SS: I researched favorite baby names in their birth year, also I used some of my family names in there as well.
CC: Oh that is fun. And I totally look up names by birth year too. Just a little farther back. 😉
SS: No matter what is thrown at you, Jesus is with you and guides you all the way through it.
Thank you so much for joining me today and providing all of us with a wonderful distraction. As my final question, I have my usual “Fun Question”.
What are the top three things on your bucket list?
SS: 1. Hawaii 2. Tahiti 3. To travel back to Europe
CC: Oh, wow. I hadn’t ever considered Tahiti, now I’m intrigued. Thanks so much for hanging with us.
You can purchase Stacy’s book at Amazon.
Reader question:
What items are on YOURÂ bucket list?