I love introducing new books and authors to people. I’ve had the blessing of having Laura on here before, but she’s back to talk about her newest release A Hundred Magical Reasons. She is graciously providing a print copy (US Residents only) or e-book (anywhere) of either of her books, A Hundred Magical Reasons or All That is Hidden. Be sure to read all the way to the end to learn the details and enter. Now before we dive in, allow me to introduce you properly.
Laura DeNooyer thrives on creativity and encouraging it in others. A Calvin College graduate, she is a teacher, wife, parent of four adult children, and an award-winning author of heart-warming historical and contemporary fiction. Her novels are perfect for fans of Patti Callahan Henry, Erin Bartels, or Heidi Chiavaroli. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her reading, walking, drinking tea with friends, or taking a road trip.
You can connect with her through: Website | Newsletter | Facebook | GoodReads | BookBub
Now for the fun stuff! I have to admit I am partial to my Fast Five. 🙂 So settle in as I hit Laura with rapid-fire.
CC: Rain or snow?
LD: Snow–but only if I don’t have to drive in it!
CC: Makeup or no makeup?
LD: None whatsoever!
CC: Personal maid or personal chef?
LD: Maid–I don’t need fancy meals but I’d love to have someone clean my house!
CC: Arrive early, just on time, or late?
LD: Fashionably late–but not on purpose.
CC: Food fight or water balloon fight?
LD: Water balloons–it’s easier to clean up afterward!
I miss the days when I didn’t have to take clean up into consideration. LOL! But I’m with you on the water balloon fights. So let’s go ahead and dive in.
What kind of stories are your favorite to write?
LD: I love writing the kind of stories I like to read—complex and character-driven with complicated relationships and messy family dynamics. I like delving into the gray, murky areas of life, into false appearances and misjudgments. My stories serve food for thought as well as hope and second chances—tales that “redeem the years the locusts ate.”
CC: I love that, and yes! Writing the kind of stories I like to read is so important. Especially since we have to read them over and over and over and over during the writing and editing processes.
Do you read fiction while you are writing your own stories?
LD: I’m constantly reading, both Christian fiction and general market, plus non-fiction. My favorite genres are historical fiction and contemporary women’s fiction, but I read a variety which includes suspense, mystery, some romance, and occasional YA and fantasy.
Reading fiction keeps me tapped into the book world and also functions as a way to learn from other authors doing their craft. It’s nearly impossible to read a story for mere enjoyment without analyzing and dissecting it as a storyteller. How is the writer drawing me in? How does she raise the stakes? Why am I relating to this character and not that one? Where is she dropping hints that foreshadow? How is this story resonating with me and why?
While I was writing A Hundred Magical Reasons, I needed to be familiar with L. Frank Baum’s stories. He wrote over 70 books, most of them for children, including 14 Oz novels. I read all fourteen, plus several others, and all of his newspaper editorials. Besides the biographies I read, the editorials gave me much insight into his thinking. Then I was better equipped to write him as a character.
CC: I love how that also gives us a peek into your research process.
What is your favorite part about writing?
LD: I have a love/hate relationship with the editing process, especially if the manuscript has become long and unwieldy. I’ve definitely learned how to “slash and burn” my words on the page to cut the manuscript down to more manageable and effective proportions. It’s both painful and rewarding.
CC: There is something satisfying about making the story cleaner and better.
Do you have a general writing process you follow or does it change all the time?
LD: I used to be very organized and showed up with a plan. Nowadays, I only know the direction the story is headed, but am not sure how it will get there. Ideas start percolating when I’m actually sitting down writing a scene. I see connections to other characters and situations that will increase the stakes and further the plot.
I start asking, “What if . . .?” But I also brainstorm, considering which juxtapositions of characters and situations would cause the most tension.
For example, in A Hundred Magical Reasons, I had to consider what could make a good contrast or foil for L. Frank Baum. Enter eight-year-old Janie whose rigid parents have no use for fiction, fantasy, or fairy tales. But the inimitable L. Frank Baum knows how to draw out her imagination. This is a major tension throughout the story.
From there I planned out some basic scenes based on his own family and career timeline and worked the story around those. The details and dialog came as I wrote the scenes.
I do a lot of revising—first expanding, then cutting and/or rearranging. It’s accurate to say that I have revised this particular novel at least fifteen times! Revised not just edited.
CC: It’s definitely a process. I don’t know that I can actually put a number to my revisions. I’m constantly revising as I write.
Do you have any advice for those who want to write their own stories?
LD: Be teachable. Join a writers group that both stretches and encourages you. Improvement comes from getting feedback, then revising. Multiple times.
Read, read, read! Read books in and out of your genre. Read like a writer, not just a reader.
If you’re drawn to writing like bees to nectar, then persevere. If God has given you that desire and some raw talent, cultivate the gift. He’s the ultimate Creator and Storyteller, and He made us in His image. He delights in our creativity.
Meanwhile, keep reminding yourself that the joy is in the journey! It’s not just about the end product but about what we learn and who we meet along the way.
Now I’m excited to talk about A Hundred Magical Reasons.
Purchase your copy at Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Scrivenings
CC: What will fans of A Hundred Magical Reasons love about your story and characters?
LD: While reading a biography about L. Frank Baum, I learned that his family summered at the same lake where our family vacations yearly—at the other end of the Lake Macatawa near Holland, Michigan, and a century earlier. That was a fun little connection.
Additionally, as I learned more about his life, I was smitten. Baum was such an innovative, larger-than-life personality—no surprise there, given that he created the Land of Oz. He was also a family man with a keen understanding of children and a high regard for women. (His mother-in-law was a suffragist!) His humor and creativity gave him the capacity to bounce back from failure many times.
Having always wanted to write a novel set in the turn of the century, Baum fit perfectly into my plans.
LD: Most people don’t know that Baum should be credited with the earliest documented original film score back in 1908-1914. Before Hollywood became what it is today, Baum dabbled in film and even created the very first scene of Dorothy stepping from black and white into color—thirty years before the MGM Wizard of Oz movie brought us technicolor.
With so many interests and projects claiming his attention, Baum wanted to be done writing Oz books. He wrote six Oz books, then closed off Oz from the rest of the world—supposedly forever. But thousands of children wrote him, clamoring for more Oz stories. He finally relented, and wrote eight more.
CC: Wow! I had no idea there were fourteen Oz books! I’ve not even read one of them, but now my interest is piqued.
LD: Baum’s stories are all about stirring the child’s imagination, and that’s a key element of my novel. I firmly believe that since we’re all made in the Creator’s image, everybody is creative in his own way. I hope this story inspires readers to use their own imaginations.
Other themes are woven in too, such as learning to be yourself when others try to keep you in a box. A Hundred Magical Reasons would make a great book club book. I hope the story raises questions and encourages pondering.
CC: I am thoroughly entranced by this book. It’s not my typical read, but I’m picking up a copy now.
I always like to end with a fun question so . . .
Reader, have you ever read the Oz books or seen the movie? What was your favorite part of it?
Here’s your chance to win a copy of either A Hundred Magical Reasons or All That is Hidden. Comment on the blog and enter the Rafflecopter for your chance to win! Entries close at 11:59 p.m. EST on February 4,2025. Open to legal U.S. residents. See Giveaway Policies for more details.
Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog today, Crystal!
I’ve never read the books, but I have watched the movie. I admit the flying monkey scene always freaked me out when I was a kid. Thanks for sharing about your book, it sounds wonderful!
Yes, the flying monkeys are scary! You might be surprised to know that Baum’s book and the movie are actually quite different.
Thanks for an interesting post. I also never read the books but I did see the movie.
Same here, Diana, until recently. I finally read the Oz books as an adult when I was researching for this story!
I saw the movie but I didn’t read any of the books. That witch flying in the air sure did scare me when I was a kid.
The witch scared me too!