Author Desk:

Author Desk:

Welcome to a new feature I’m doing this year during the last week of each month. The topics of Notes from the Author’s Desk will vary. Sometimes it will be fascinating research I’ve discovered, exciting writing updates I want to share, or just something reading-related. I’ve left this open as a sort of whatever fits the needs post.

If you have questions you’d like answered, send me an email and it could become one of the topics for Notes from the Author’s Desk. I look forward to sharing a bit of my writing world with you!

I’m a little behind again this week, but with good reason. Love Inspired announced two weeks ago that they are opening up a trade book line of historical romance. So for the last two weeks, I have been editing away at my Counterfeit Love manuscript and will finally be ready to send it off to my agent this evening. 

During the editing process, God called me to cut my very first chapter, the one which had won and been a finalist in five or six different awards. It was brutal to let it go, BUT I couldn’t let it go all the way. I’ve turned it into a subscriber-only download for my newsletter. It only takes about fifteen minutes to read and gives you an idea about my writing style. I may have even gone gung-ho and created a cheesy book cover. Don’t judge, I can’t even match my own clothes. If you already subscribe to my newsletter, don’t worry, an email is coming out in a couple of weeks with the download and some extra news. 😉  (And here’s the link to subscribe if you are interested!)

In a world of counterfeits, who can they trust?

Cincinnati, 1884: Raised more as a soldier than a proper Victorian lady, Theresa Plane is determined to save her grandfather from treacherous creditors, but he harbors a secret that threatens their future. When he is murdered, his betrayal leaves her to fight for her home and face threats to her life alone.

After months of undercover work, Secret Service operative Broderick Cosgrove is on the verge of arresting a notorious counterfeiting gang. However, when evidence reveals his former fiancée, Theresa, is entangled in their schemes, the case takes a personal turn. Protecting her and proving her innocence will risk his career and his cover, but he cannot fail her again.

As complications drive them deeper into danger, betrayal threatens their survival and tests the limits of their faith and hearts.


Here’s a little secret about the download if you aren’t already a subscriber: You can sign up for my newsletter, download the chapter, and then unsubscribe if you aren’t interested in continuing to hear from me. But shhh, I’m probably not supposed to admit that. 😉 

Before I take off, I wanted to remind you of one more opportunity: 

Don’t forget you can sign up for a chance to win an e-copy of Patti Stockdale’s WWI love story, Three Little Things. For you’re convenience, I’ve put it right here for you to go ahead and enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

That’s it for this month’s Author Desk. Hopefully, next month I’ll be right back in the thick of the Civil War and sharing all the fascinating things I’m learning there. Have a great week, and know I’ll be praying for you!


WIPs for 2020 – Notes from the Author’s Desk

Welcome to a new feature I’m doing this year during the last week of each month. The topics of Notes from the Author’s Desk will vary. Sometimes it will be fascinating research I’ve discovered, exciting writing updates I want to share, or just something reading related. I’ve left this open as a sort of whatever fits the needs post.

If you have questions you’d like answered, send me an email and it could become one of the topics for a Notes from the Author’s Desk. I look forward to sharing a bit of my writing world with you!

What’s in the Writing Works for 2020?

The New Year has brought a new challenge which I never thought I’d face, the writing of a Civil War novel with the potential for a series. This is not a time period I have ever really desired to write in–not because it isn’t filled with potential story ideas, but because I understand both sides of the War and felt I could never do it justice.

Kentucky has the unique history of being a border state and ending more Confederate in their leanings after the War than at the beginning of the War. It was a state who could see both sides of the argument, had their own polarized opinions, and struggled to remain politically neutral. As a (nearly) life-long Kentuckian, I’ve grown up with this unique viewpoint as the grounding for my understanding of the Civil War. Neither the North or South were villains.

To communicate this in a story, to give an honest view of the people during the Civil War which is today, still such a delicate topic, has intimidated me beyond belief. Pre-Civil War, great! Post-Civil War, you got it! But to write during that period? No thanks, never will it be on my agenda.

Pro Life Tip: Never tell God you’re never going to do something. It’s an almost guarantee He will call you to it. So here I am, researching my bottom off to gain a clear understanding of the war and all of its many facets. The Civil War is so incredibly large in scope that it is impossible to become an expert on every area, so I started wide and narrowed down to what actually ended up being my own state’s involvement with the War.

Antietam, Maryland –

The Research and Project Focus

It wasn’t my intention, but it’s where God led me. He also led me to examine war correspondents–who were the self-proclaimed “Bohemian Brigade”; the little talked or written about laundresses of the armies; the Confederate capture of Columbus, KY; the Battle of Belmont, MO (just across the river from Columbus); and the Battles of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson.

So far I have over 60,000 words typed up in research notes. That’s the length of a small novel. That doesn’t even count the 20,000 or so words typed up for character descriptions, brainstorming, my “sloppy synopsis”, and other tools I use to help develop my story before getting to the actual draft. And all of this is since Christmas break–just over a month.

No wonder I haven’t read much in the fiction world. I HAVE read about sixteen non-fiction research books (in part and in whole) and countless online resources, with plans for a couple of research trips in the works.

It’s still too early to share much about the story, but watch for posts on the last Tuesday of the month to learn what’s going on with the project and my writing world.


What I CAN tell you is this story involves a Kentucky woman with Successionist leanings whose brother has enlisted in the Union Army. Circumstances come about to bring her to be a laundress in her brother’s company. Throw in a war correspondent, a suspicious Union officer, and conflicted loyalties and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.

I’m still hammering out details and examining plausibility for many things, but I’m excited for where God is leading this story so far. So come back each month to check out research, Civil War stories, sneak peeks at my progress, or any other news that may arise this year.

A Question (or two) for You

What part of Civil War history interests you? What do you wish you knew more about? Anything you wish you saw more of in Civil War fiction?

Circle of Spies by Roseanna White

Circle of Spies by Roseanna White

Circle of Spies is the third and final book in the Culper Ring series, but you don’t necessarily have to read the others to enjoy the last, although I HIGHLY recommend it as you will get connections missed otherwise. This particular story takes place during the last months of the Civil War and full of espionage and tension.

As I prepare to write my own Civil War series, it was a great way to get my mindset in the time period. As always her characters have special gifts that make them stand out. The heroine, Marietta, has a photographic memory. This comes as a curse which she eventually learns to accept as a gift. It truly was a fascinating read with historical details that really got my mind working.

Genre: Historical Romance, Civil War, 1865 – Baltimore

Plot Overview:

1865―Marietta Hughes never wanted to be a spy, but the family legacy of espionage is thrust upon her as the War Between the States rolls on. Unknown to her, the Knights of the Golden Circle―a Confederate secret society bent on destroying the Union her brother died for―has been meeting in a hidden lair beneath her home. Faced with the secrets of her late husband and his brother, whom she thought she could trust with anything, Marietta’s world tilts out of control. Can she right it by protecting a Union agent infiltrating the KGC?

Slade Osborne, an undercover Pinkerton agent, is determined to do whatever is necessary to end the conflict between the North and the South. When he infiltrates this secret cell, it isn’t just their inner workings that baffle him―it’s the beautiful woman who seems to be a puppet for the new leader and yet…so much more.

Do they dare trust each other in this circle of intrigue? Will their shared faith sustain them? And can Mari and Slade stymie the enemy long enough to see their beloved country reunited?

What I loved:
History is always a big one for me, but I enjoyed then tension and ending action of this one. Everything seemed to go a believable path while still keeping me on the edge of my seat.

Favorite Character and Why: It’s hard to put my finger on one, but Grandpa Thad is definitely still a favorite of mine.

Who would like this? Anyone who enjoy American history, especially Civil War fans. The romance in this one is a bit different, but realistic of two broken people learning to become new in Christ. If you like danger, history, and characters with unique gifts, this is definitely a go to read.

Rating and Why: Four and half stars. I love the history, tension, and action of the story.

PURCHASE LINKS Barnes and Noble Walmart

Whispers from the Shadows by Roseanna White

Whispers from the Shadows by Roseanna White

This was a particularly fun read for me because I managed to get my mother-in-law hooked. My MIL is legally blind, and doesn’t read for leisure as it is very difficult on her. However, while baking for Thanksgiving, I had this book playing over the speaker while she sat nearby. Friends, she became so engrossed, I wasn’t allowed to listen to it without her. Which led to me showing her how to download my account to her phone and me purchasing an e-book copy so I could continue at my own pace. We ended up having a reading race, and it was one of the greatest joys I’ve shared with her this year.

Whispers from the Shadows is the second book in the Culper Ring series, but you don’t necessarily have to read the first one to enjoy the second. (As proved by my MIL.) However, you will enjoy seeing the characters from the first book reappear and have a stronger understanding of the backstory if you do.

I really enjoyed taking a look at the War of 1812. I had a vague recollection of the war from my long ago studies, but I always just viewed it as the wrap up of the American Revolution. In a way it was, but it was so much more than I remembered. The way Roseanna M. White brought it to light was exciting, enlightening, and engaging. Whispers from the Shadows is a book I will reread and recommend to others.

Genre: Historical Romance, War of 1812 – Baltimore

Plot Overview:

Treachery causes Gwyneth Fairchild’s world to crumble. The daughter of a British general, she barely saves her life by fleeing London aboard a ship to America. Her goal is to find refuge with the Lane family in Maryland, having been told by her father she could implicitly trust Winter and Bennet Lane, even though their nations are once again at war. After meeting their son, Thad, she wonders how safe she truly is when she discovers that the Lanes trade in a dangerous commodity – espionage.

Not long after Gwyneth finds refuge in his city, Thad Lane experiences the tug of love, though he fears it may blur lines of loyalty. With family playing the part of enemies and enemies proving themselves friends, a future with Gwyn is uncertain. But at this moment, with the British advancing on Washington and Baltimore, they have only their shared faith in God as a shield about them.

What I loved:
Besides the history, which is always a go-to for me, I really loved the connection between Gwyneth and Thad. There was just something so unique and special about it. Their relationship drew me in.

Favorite Character and Why: Thad. Without a doubt. He was a man with convictions who followed the Lord’s leading. He was brave, compassionate, a leader, and intelligent. Thad was a hero I could respect.

Who would like this? Anyone who enjoy American history, especially time periods not heavily focused on in writing or in the history books. Readers who enjoy sweet romance, strong natural spiritual threads, and danger-filled stories will want to pick this book up.

Rating and Why: Five stars. This history, the danger, the love, and the hope shared through this book make it one I will reread again.

PURCHASE LINKS Barnes and Noble Target Walmart

Ring of Secrets by Roseanna White

Ring of Secrets by Roseanna White

As has often been the case for me of late, I’ve been so busy that reading fiction has fallen to audiobooks while driving. In desperation for something I could download quickly from my library I reached out the Facebook group Avid Christian Fiction Readers and asked for suggestions. Roseanna White’s books was one of the first to pop up on the responses. Since the library didn’t have the one suggested I went with A Ring of Secrets because of two words: Culper Ring.

For those of you who aren’t aware, the Culper Ring was a network of spies used by General George Washington during the American Revolution, and who doesn’t love a good story of espionage and intrigue. This history buff/danger-craving reader downloaded it in a heartbeat.

Ring of Secrets is the first in a series of three dealing with this Culper Ring, so don’t be surprised if more reviews for the following books pop up. As always, the thing that drew me in was the immense amount of historical accuracy in this story. It was absolutely jaw-dropping the amount of information I learned (and then verified) while reading this book. 

The plot line was exciting, while realistic, and the romance one that was well developed. While multiple people vied for Winter’s hand, I never once felt the anger I usually feel with love triangles. Roseanna White handled it in a wonderful believable way that felt right and not like someone got the short end of the stick just because. So Roseanna White, if you’re reading this, kudos! That is an amazing undertaking in my opinion, and your research? AMAZING.

If you like books with espionage, tension, danger, as well as love and a wonderful spiritual thread, you definitely need to pick this book up. 

Genre: Historical Romance, American Revolution – New York

Plot Overview:

Winter Reeves is an aristocratic Patriot forced to hide her heart amid the Loyalists of the City of New York. She has learned to keep her ears open so she can pass information on British movements to Robbie Townsend, her childhood friend, and his spy ring. If she’s caught, if she’s hung for espionage…well, she won’t be. Robbie has taught her the tools of the trade: the wonders of invisible ink, drop locations and, most importantly, a good cover. 

Bennet Lane returns to New York from his Yale professorship with one goal: to find General Washington’s spy hidden among the ranks of the elite. Searching for a wife was supposed to be nothing more than a convenient cover story for his mission, but when he meets Winter, with her too-intelligent eyes in her too-blank face, he finds a mystery that can’t be ignored. 

Both believers…and both committed to a separate cause. Will their faith in God lead them to a shared destiny or lives lived apart?

What I loved:
The history! I love all the historical details and true look into spying during the American Revolution.

Favorite Character and Why: I really did love Winter. Her struggle with her place in her family, what she felt called to do, and the courage she had really drew me in. She made a few decisions I would never had made, but I thoroughly admire her for them. 

Who would like this? Anyone who enjoys a thorough reimagining of the American Revolution, its relational difficulties, and the brave men and women who participated in it will find this a refreshing and exciting story. Also, anyone who enjoys sweet romance, strong spiritual threads that are preachy but natural, and danger filled tension, this book is for you.

Rating and Why: Five stars. This history, the danger, the love, and the hope shared through this book make it one I will reread again.

PURCHASE LINKS Barnes and Noble Joseph-Beth Target Walmart

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