It’s another month of our challenge: Tackle Your TBR Pile. So go dig through that stack taller than you of books you’ve been meaning to read and start reading away. Since this year is based on your TBR pile, I will not have a recommendations page, but I’m leaving the link here so it’s easier for me to set up NEXT year’s blog posts.

Find recommendations at Reading Challenge Recommendations, Crystal Caudill’s Reading Friends Facebook group, Avid Readers of Christian Fiction, or Inspirational Historical Fiction Index.

Don’t forget to comment at the bottom of the post for your chance to win a book off my prize shelf. *The list of prizes from my shelf can be found here.*

Reading Challenge 2025: Tackle the TBR Pile

If you’re anything like me, you have a TBR pile that is bigger than you can hope to read in a lifetime. This is the year we’re going to try an tackle at least twelve of those books. Head to your shelves and find books that fit each month’s challenge.

This Month: January – Newest book on your TBR pile

Next Month: February – Author of a different generation

The Misadventures of Miss Adelaide

by Maggie Dallen

Review by: Crystal Caudill

As my brain recovered from a massive writing deadline, my attention was caught by a Facebook ad for a set of clean Regency reads from Maggie Dallen. Since they were clean, the price was right, and my brain was not ready for anything more advanced than a simple, light-hearted plot; this fit the bill. I read a set of Christmas novellas from her before this one, but I think those technically still fell in 2024. So far, of what I’ve read of Maggie Dallen, this story has been my favorite. I love the mix of mystery, adventure, romance, and danger. The characters were fun, Addie’s loyalty to saving her brother admirable, and the earl a silent brooding type of hero, but definitely a hero. I find that all of her characters seem to fall in love too quickly or simply, but that is honestly the nature of these types of reads, so I can’t fault the story for that. It was a quick read at 176 pages, and I might read it again one day, but probably not. 

Genre: Regency Romance

Plot Overview:

Three unlucky women find love in the unlikeliest places in this sweet regency romance series…

Miss Adelaide is down on her luck and on the run when she finally collapses at Evercliff Manor. Perhaps it’s exhaustion that has her spilling her secrets to the kind doctor tending to her–or maybe it’s his warm, compelling eyes. Then again, maybe it’s just another case of sheer bad luck.

It turns out the kindly doctor who now knows her deepest, darkest secrets is not really a doctor at all. He’s an earl. Worse, he’s her employer. And he’s decided that Adelaide will be his next project. With his assistance, and the help of her newfound friends at the Lovelace School of Charm, Miss Adelaide might just land on her feet. If only she doesn’t lose her heart…

Purchase Links:



For your chance to win a print copy, comment with what book YOU read for this month. Use the Rafflecopter below for extra entries and to mark that you left a comment. Entries end on the 7th of each month at midnight EST, and the winner will be drawn sometime that week and notified by email. The winner will be announced on the Rafflecopter widget.  *Giveaway Policies can be found here.

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What did you read for the challenge? What were your thoughts on it? Would you recommend it?

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