To Catch a Coronet by Grace Hitchcock

To Catch a Coronet by Grace Hitchcock

To Catch a Coronet

by Grace Hitchcock


I was blessed to read Grace Hitchcock’s debut Regency romance for endorsement last Thanksgiving. Here is my official endorsement:

With ingredients of romance, history, danger, and her signature humor, Grace Hitchcock has baked up a delectable treat with her debut Regency Romance. Long-time Regency fans will devour this fresh take on ballroom romance as eagerly as Captain Erik Draycott did Muriel Beau’s creations. Picking up this read won’t add to your waistline but it will leave you pleasantly satisfied and craving the next installment of Hitchcock’s take on Regency romance. ~ Crystal Caudill, Carol Award Finalist and author of Counterfeit Love

But that is not all I want to say about her book. After all, you’re only allowed so many words in an endorsement. This probably has to be my favorite Grace Hitchcock book so far. And that is saying something because I absolutely adored The White City, now renamed Miss Wylde in the White City.

Muriel’s baking history and insecurities were ones I could identify with. I cannot tell you how horrified I felt for her in the first chapter (you’ll just have to check out the preview HERE to see what I mean). And then her first meeting with Erik? Oh my goodness!! I was rolling with laughter. Without giving too much away, I was thrilled by the adventure and danger aspect of the romance story. You know me. There is nothing I like more than a good villain or two, and this one had me guessing until the reveal–although I did have my suspicions.

Believe me, this is a story you don’t want to miss. AND Grace included a scone recipe at the end!!! You better believe that I’ve cooked up a batch or two by now. You can learn more about the story below.

Genre: Regency Romance, England, 1813


Sometimes the only way to outsmart a scandal is to find a crown big enough to silence it.

Muriel Beau, country baker turned heiress, can’t stop instigating outrage. She discards two arranged engagements, then further antagonizes in Kent society by publicly proposing to a baron at a ball. His rejection leaves her with no choice but to flee to the city and to secure a coronet so splendid that her peers will forget her debacles. The glitter of the London courts convinces Muriel that it’s possible to find the future she dreams of, until she finds herself entangled in yet another escapade–one that may cost her more than her crumbling reputation.

After years of serving as a privateer under an assumed name, Captain Erik Draycott, heir to Draycott Castle and soon to assume his uncle’s title of Earl, returns to his London home to find it in disrepair thanks to his longtime nemesis. A staunch bachelor intent on returning to his ship, the captain now finds himself in dire need of a wife.

But while his pauper status causes the potential London brides to turn their noses up at him, the Kent brides have no such qualms and are eager to fill his coffers with their fathers’ wealth. When he encounters the unconventional Muriel Beau and she becomes embroiled in his risky undertaking, Erik is torn between staying put to protect this enchanting country lady and heeding the call of the high seas.

Author Website:

Purchase Link: Amazon |  Baker Book House  |  Barnes & Noble

What do you like most about a good Regency novel?

Meet Grace Hitchcock, Author of To Catch a Coronet

Meet Grace Hitchcock, Author of To Catch a Coronet

I have had the blessing of knowing Grace Hitchcock almost from the very beginning of my writing journey. I have loved her stories, from her novella collections to her American Heiress and Aprons and Veils series, and now I’m in LOVE with her new Regency series, Best Laid Plans. To Catch a Coronet, book one in the series, is available wherever books are sold beginning TODAY. How incredibly exciting, and now I get to introduce you to the author herself.

Oh, and before the introductions, I wanted to let you know that Grace has graciously offered 2 autographed paperbacks of The Finding of Miss Fairfield. You can enter the giveaway for those at the bottom of this post. 

Now let me introduce you to this wonderful author and friend.

Grace Hitchcock is the award-winning author of multiple historical novels and novellas, including the American Royalty, True Colors, and Aprons & Veils series. She holds a Master’s in Creative Writing and a Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in History. Grace lives on the Northshore of New Orleans, with her husband, Dakota, sons, and daughter in a cottage that is always filled with the sounds of sweet little footsteps running at full speed. When not writing, or chasing babies, she’s baking something delightful and can usually be found with a book clutched in her fist.

You can connect with her through:  Website (Download a free novella while there) |  Amazon  |  BookBub  |  GoodReads  | Instagram  |  Facebook

Now for the fun stuff! I have to admit I am partial to my Fast Five. 🙂 So settle in as I hit Grace with rapid-fire.


CC: Pineapple pizza or candy corn?

GH: Candy corn, 1000%

CC: Test the waters or dive in the deep end?

GH: Test for sure. You never know what is in the water (pool or rivers) in South Louisiana!

CC: Guacamole or salsa?

GH: Guacamole!

CC: Silly hats or silly socks?

GH: Silly socks. I love collecting bookish socks!

CC: Passwords or secret handshakes?

GH: Secret handshakes.

Yeah, I wouldn’t dive into Louisana waters either. LOL I’m no alligator wrestler. However, I’m not going to let you test the waters now. Let’s dive right in.

What book has most impacted you?

GH: I feel like every season, there is a novel that touches me. The one that stuck the longest has to be Tracie Peterson’s Westward Chronicles (a Harvey Girl series). They are moving, unique tales that inspired me to write my own Harvey Girls stories! I re-read them every few years.

CC: How fun to have them inspire your own series. I am totally with you on each season having its one novel that touches me.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

GH: When I turned twelve, I began to read pretty exclusively Christian Historical Fiction and read pretty much every book our local library had to offer! I loved the romantic element that long gowns, courting, and etiquette lent stories. When I encountered stories that ended with the heroine marrying the wrong guy (in my opinion haha), I would re-write the endings in my head and eventually, decided to try my hand at writing a novel and I was hooked by the genre!

CC: I love it! If you can’t find what you want, write it! 

What is your writing Kryptonite?

GH: Exclamation points!!!! Apparently, I’m a very excited writer in the first draft. Every time I finish writing the first draft, I text my mom and have her guess how many I used in a 330 page novel. She is generous and usually guesses lower than the count on the last book I wrote . . . but the count is always high no matter how mindful I think I am being while writing. I usually have about 200+ exclamation points for the 330 pages. I weed them down to 40 at most!

CC: Ha! Ha! I can totally see that fitting your personality. Now I will look at every story and wonder which ones were exclamation points before you changed them.

Speaking of stories, let’s talk about your debut Regency novel, To Catch a Coronet.

Sometimes the only way to outsmart a scandal is to find a crown big enough to silence it…

Muriel Beau, country baker turned heiress, can’t stop instigating outrage. She discards two arranged engagements, then further antagonizes Kent society by publicly proposing to a baron at a ball. His rejection leaves her with no choice but to flee to the city and to secure a coronet so splendid that her peers will forget her debacles. The glitter of the London courts convinces Muriel that it’s possible to find the future she dreams of, until she finds herself entangled in yet another escapade–one that may cost her more than her crumbling reputation.

After years of serving as a privateer under an assumed name, Captain Erik Draycott, heir to Draycott Castle and soon to assume his uncle’s title of Earl, returns to his London home to find it in disrepair thanks to his longtime nemesis. A staunch bachelor intent on returning to his ship, the captain is shocked when his mentor encourages him to take a wife. But while his alleged pauper status causes the potential London brides to turn their noses up at him, the ladies of Kent have no such qualms and are eager to fill his coffers with their fathers’ wealth.

Caught in a whirlwind of high society and high seas, Muriel and Erik navigate a risky undertaking that threatens their futures and creating stakes that soar above the masts of Erik’s ship. Will Muriel’s bold charm and Erik’s daring bravery be enough to outsmart the scandal and secure a future as glittering as the crown Muriel seeks?

Purchase your copy at  Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Autographed Copy

CC: What about this story drew you to it? Does this story have any special meaning to you?

GH: I first had this idea when I was watching a Hallmark about a girl who proposes to a guy and it goes totally wrong. And the “what if” train of thought led to Muriel, a baker turned heiress during Regency England. The baking element is pretty special to me. After a devastating miscarriage, I needed a distraction, so I decided to bake my way through a Christmas baking magazine. I had my family mark which recipes they wanted to try, and I just baked and baked for two months. It was great therapy as God healed our hearts and I knew that my character, Muriel the baker, would use baking as her therapy too.
CC: So many hugs, my friend. Baking truly is one of the best therapies in the world. . . even if it isn’t great for a waistline.
What was some of your favorite research you discovered while preparing for this story?

GH: Oooh this was a goldmine to research! I bought so many great resources that Erica Vetsch so kindly recommended. My favorite discovery while researching was Vauxhall Gardens, a pleasure gardens in London that I had no idea existed. I, of course, had to add it to the book, To Catch a Coronet! And I have pics on my pinterest page if you want to see the gardens for yourself:

CC: Erica is the best for sharing what she knows. And I loved getting to visit Vauxhall Gardens in your story.
What do you hope readers will take away from your story?
GH: I want them leaving feeling like they have met new friends that they want to visit again, had an adventure, visited castles, laughed until they were breathless, and looking forward to the next story!
CC: I can confirm that you achieved that! I loved To Catch a Coronet and even was ready to read it again only a couple months later! Now it’s time to wrap up our interview with a fun question.


You are in the back of a police car on your way to jail. What did you do? and is anyone with you?
GH: I was found after hours inside the Biltmore because I accidentally got lost in time and thought, exploring the titles in the library. My husband would be with me because he is all for a great adventure!
CC: That library is amazing, and how awesome that your husband would join you!
Readers, I hope you’ll check out To Catch a Coronet and then leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and/or BookBub. You wouldn’t believe how important that is to an author.  

Giveaway Info

Grace Hitchcock is graciously providing two U.S. residents, 18 years and older, with a signed copy of To Catch a Coronet. Use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Entries open until 11:59 p.m. EST on May 28.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Reader, have you read Regency stories before? Which ones are your favorite?

Author Interview: Grace Hitchcock

Author Interview: Grace Hitchcock

I am so blessed to know Grace Hitchcock. Bless her heart, she has been one of my biggest supporters and I cannot express how grateful I am to her and all her support. I adore her and her books, and it is my pleasure to get to introduce you to her. Grace and I met at my first ACFW in 2016 (I think), and I was so inspired by her kindness and patience with this unpublished author. Now we’re both out in the world, and I am so happy for this opportunity to support her back. Allow me to formally introduce you to her.

Grace Hitchcock is the award-winning author of multiple historical novels and novellas. She holds a Masters in Creative Writing and a Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in History. Grace lives in the New Orleans area with her husband, Dakota, sons, and daughter. Connect with her online at

You can connect with her through:  Website Newsletter  |  BookBub  |  GoodReads

Now for the fun stuff! I have to admit I am partial to my Fast Five. 🙂 So settle in as I hit Grace with rapid-fire.


CC: Sweet or Salty?

GH: Sweet

CC: Print, E-book, or Audiobook?

GH: Audiobook! I used to always be print, or eBook recently, but with a baby, audiobook has been my only option of late 🙂

CC: Coffee, Tea, or Other?

GH: Cafe Latte!

Morning Person or Night Owl?

GH: Morning person, especially when there is coffee to be had!

CC: Favorite Holiday?

GH: Christmas! Now that my kiddos are old enough to appreciate the sparkling lights, Christmas decor, and songs, we love to drive through neighborhoods and point out our favorites. And then, there is the Christmas baking fun!

I’m so not a coffee person, I don’t even know what a cafe latte is exactly, except that latte means it has milk in it. LOL

So tell me, Grace, what does your writing process look like?

GH: After the first whisper of the story in my head, I select names and meet the characters. Next, I write out their story in a detailed synopsis that I use for the first draft. After I get down about 50,000 words, I edit it three times to get the novel up to about 85,000 words and send it off to my publisher! From there, we have a content, copy, line, and proof edits before it goes to press!

CC: I don’t think I could write a manuscript that short if I tried! LOL I love how you know your process though. I’m still working through figuring mine out.  

How have you seen God work through your writing journey?

GH: I’d say for certain it is the timing of each book. When I first began trying to get published, I was pitching full-length novels, but Barbour thought I’d do better with starting with novellas. Changing directions and writing novellas taught me how to write tight (given the smaller word count) while giving a full feeling story. Even though it wasn’t my first choice to begin with novellas, it was a great introduction to the writing and publishing world. God knew what He was doing and after my first two novellas were published, Barbour offered me the anchor book in their True Colors series and then, my writing career really got rolling! Time and time again with each offer and contract, His timing was and is perfect.

CC: God is so good. . . and now it makes sense how you can write so tightly. I bet those years of writing novellas really taught you a lot. Which brings me to . . . 

Do you have any advice for those who want to write their own stories?

GH: Attending ACFW, the American Christian Fiction Writers conference, was the best move for me as a new writer. Not only do you get to meet those authors you have been reading for years, but you get to sit in their classes and learn from the masters while making lifelong friends and meeting agents and publishers! Going to this writing conference is worth every penny!

CC: I so agree. Honestly, I’ve met almost every single one of my best friends through ACFW. The relationships formed are the kind that you don’t know how you did without before hand.

Let’s dig in to your newest release, The Pursuit of Miss Parish (Aprons & Veils, Book 2).

Love’s gentle promise becomes nothing more than a withered dream.

With dreams of love and a hope for belonging, shy Belle Parish leaves her position as a maid in Charleston to travel to New Mexico with her best friend to become mail-order brides. Colt Lawson’s letters hold great promise and while his devilishly handsome face matches his picture, something does not add up. Discovering his lie only moments before they wed, Belle flees the church and straight into the Castañeda Hotel Harvey House. Giving up the prospect on ever marrying, she dons her nun-like uniform and focuses on her role as a Harvey Girl waitress until a strong, former Texas Ranger rides into her life.

Colt Lawson didn’t want to send that letter to Belle Parish in the first place, but her first response had all but captured his heart. When he is left standing at the altar alone, he is left with two choices—either release his dream of a love marriage, or attempt to win her heart. Wooing her would be a lot easier if that Texas Ranger wasn’t back in town. Who wants a dusty rancher with a past when she could have a shining knight in a Stetson?

Purchase your copy at  Amazon 

CC: Where did you get the idea for Maeve’s Pledge?

GH: Mostly from research about the Harvey Girls and also inspired by my girlhood favorite books, The Finding of Jasper Holt by Grace Livingston Hill and Janette Oke’s A Gown of Spanish Lace. Originally, I did not have Belle connected to Miss Fairfield, the heroine from book one, in anything but the location of the Harvey House, but in re-writing book one, I discovered that Miss Fairfield’s maid would be perfect for the leading lady of my next book.
CC: I love how God takes our plans and connects them in ways we never imagined.
Who was the most challenging character to create? What made them so difficult?

GH: Colt! When I first wrote The Pursuit of Miss Parish, I only wrote it from Belle’s POV, but during re-writes, I soon found that I needed Colt’s side of the story. He has been a lot of fun to get to know, but he holds things deep within him, and it took a lot of digging to figure out what made him the way he was, but I think that digging not only gave me a much better insight to him, but it brought the story to a deeper level.

CC: That must have been some rewrite. I love how those types of edits reveal things about our stories, though, and build them into better stories.
How did this story affect you as you wrote it? Did God teach you anything in the writing?
GH: Belle is very shy in nature and it takes great courage for her to act. I feel like for years God has been working courage into my heart as an author, much like the courage Belle needs 🙂 Every time I send off a manuscript to my editor, or launch a new book, I have to always turn my back to my fear and trust God to bless my work.
CC: Amen, and I think that’s something I need to think on myself.
I’d love to know a little more about your research. Who were the Harvey Girls?
GH: Whenever I tell people I am writing about a Victorian Harvey Girl romance, they usually assume the Harvey Girls are associated with an old-time saloon, but nothing could be further from the truth. In the 1890s, there were not many respectable jobs for women, so when Englishman Fred Harvey created his chain of fine dining restaurants along the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railroads, single women without an education, or in need of earning their own way, were given a chance to earn an honest wage without the speculation that they offered anything else but food as a service. With Mr. Harvey’s strict rules about the waitress’s code of conduct, the women were given their independence while still maintaining their good name and place in society under the protective, fatherly arm of Fred Harvey. These extraordinary, brave women became known as the Harvey Girls, the ladies who tamed the Wild West with fine china, good pie, and exceptional service with complete propriety.
While Harvey Houses were built to serve the needs of the passengers on the rail to encourage tourism in the west, the railroad workers and local townsmen also dined at the restaurant, but usually at the lunch counter. At a time when men filled towns and women were scarce, inevitably, a railroad worker or townsman would express interest in marrying a Harvey Girl. In order to marry, she would need to fulfill her work contract or risk paying a fine of a month of salary. The fine was set in place to ensure that Fred Harvey would have enough workers and that he wouldn’t simply train a girl to have her shipped to a town of bachelors and leave him without a waitress.
As you can probably tell, such a set up sends an author’s head to spinning with all the romance that could come from a woman venturing out on her own in a land filled with cowboys, bandits, ranchers, and farmers. The possibilities for romance are endless! There is so much more I could write about these fascinating ladies and their contributions to society, but I hope you enjoyed this taste of history on the Harvey Girls!
CC: I absolutely do. The stories you weave are so fascinating, and I’m so blessed to get to read them. Last question before we hop off!
What animal is most like you?
GH: A Holland Lop bunny. I used to have Holland Lops, and I find that like the bunny, I too enjoy my cozy little home, but given the chance, I’ll dart out for grand adventures 🙂
CC: I love that! I’m definitely settling into the rather be at home feeling the older I get. LOL
Readers, I hope you’ll check out The Pursuit of Miss Parish and then leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and/or BookBub. You wouldn’t believe how important that is to an author.  

Reader, what was most fascinating to you about the Harvey Girls?

Grace Hitchcock – Giveaway & Endorser Spotlight

Grace Hitchcock – Giveaway & Endorser Spotlight

Counterfeit Hope is about four weeks from its release date, and one thing I always like to do leading up to my release day is to take time to put the spotlight on the authors who endorsed my book. Not only did they sacrifice their time to read it, but they also wrote words that touched my heart and encouraged me. These are authors that I respect and look up to. Authors who know their craft, have been writing far longer than I have, and know what makes a good story. To be endorsed by them is an honor that I cannot express adequately.

For the next seven weeks, I am going to continue to spotlight an endorser, share what they have to say about Counterfeit Hope, share more about them, the books they’ve written, and how you can connect with them, as well as give you a chance to win one of their books. At the end of each post, I hope you will leave the author an uplifting note so they may be encouraged just as they have encouraged me.

I am pleased to introduce to you . . .

Grace Hitchcock

Author of The Pursuit of Miss Parish

Grace Hitchcock is the author of multiple historical novels and novellas. She holds a Masters in Creative Writing and a Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in History. Grace lives in Baton Rouge with her husband, Dakota, son and daughter. Connect with her online at

Connect with Laura: Website  |  Facebook  |  Instagram BookBub  |  Goodreads  |  Pinterest  |  Twitter

What Grace had to say about Counterfeit Hope:

“With a unique premise and astonishing twists, Crystal Caudill’s Counterfeit Hope is an impressive sequel expertly penned that will leave readers eager for the next book from this fresh voice!”

Purchase Links for Counterfeit Hope: Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Books-A-Million  |  Book Despository  |  |  Christianbook  |  Logos  |  Indiebound

Grace’s Books

Grace has written a wide range of stories, from historical romantic suspense to romantic comedy to romance and soon-to-be Regency. I can’t list all her books, but her newest and my favorite ones are here.

The Finding of Miss Fairfield (New Release)

When an engagement of convenience becomes anything but convenient . . .

Forced into a betrothal with a widower twice her age, Charleston socialite, Sophia Fairfield is desperate for an escape. But, while her fiancé is away on business, he assigns his handsome stepson, Carver, the task of looking after his bride-to-be. Much to her dismay, Sophia finds herself falling in love with the wrong gentleman—a man society would never allow her to marry, given Sophia was supposed to be his new stepmother. The only way to save Carver from scandal and financial ruin is to run away, leaving him and all else behind to become a Harvey Girl waitress at the Castañeda Hotel in New Mexico.

Carver Ashton has had his life planned out for him since birth, but when he encounters Sophia Fairfield, he glimpses a new life—apart from his overbearing stepfather’s business. But, when the woman he loves disappears before he can express his devotion, Carver abandons all to find her. However, his stepfather has other intentions for Sophia and will stop at nothing until she is his bride . . . even if it is against her will.

Purchase Links for The Finding of Miss Fairfield: Autographed Copy  |  Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Kobo

My Dear Miss Dupré

Willow Dupré never thought she would have to marry, but with her father’s unexpected retirement from running the prosperous Dupré sugar refinery, she is forced into a different future. The shareholders are unwilling to allow a female to take over the company without a man at her side, so her parents devise a plan–find Willow a spokesman king in order for her to become queen of the business empire.

Willow is presented with thirty potential suitors from the families of New York society’s elite group called the Four Hundred. She has six months to court the group and is told to to eliminate men each month to narrow her beaus until she chooses one to marry, ending the competition with a wedding. Willow reluctantly agrees, knowing she must do what is best for the business. She doesn’t expect to find anything other than a proxy . . . until she meets a gentleman who captures her attention, and she must discover for herself if his motives are pure.



The White City

Mysterious Disappearances Taint the Chicago World’s Fair
Step into Book One of True Colors, a new series of Historical Stories of Romance and American Crime

While attending the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893, Winnifred Wylde believes she witnessed a woman being kidnapped. She tries to convince her father, an inspector with the Chicago police, to look into reports of mysterious disappearances around the White City. Inspector Wylde tries to dismiss her claims as exaggeration of an overactive imagination, but he eventually concedes to letting her go undercover as secretary to the man in question—if she takes her pistol for protection and Jude Thorpe, a policeman, for bodyguard.

Will she be able to expose H. H. Holmes’s illicit activity, or will Winnifred become his next victim?


The Gray Chamber

Will Edyth prove her sanity before it is too late?

On Blackwell’s Island, New York, a hospital was built to keep its patients from ever leaving.

With her late parents’ fortune under her uncle’s care until her twenty-fifth birthday in the year 1887, Edyth Foster does not feel pressured to marry or to bow to society’s demands. She freely indulges in eccentric hobbies like fencing and riding her velocipede in her cycling costume about the city for all to see. Finding a loophole in the will, though, her uncle whisks Edyth off to the women’s lunatic asylum just weeks before her birthday. And Edyth fears she will never be found.

At the asylum she meets another inmate, who upon discovering Edyth’s plight, confesses that she is Nellie Bly, an undercover journalist for The World. Will either woman find a way to leave the terrifying island and reclaim her true self?


I am giving away one e-book copy of Grace’s The Finding of Miss Fairfield to someone who leaves an encouraging message for Grace below between January 20th and January 27th. The giveaway ends at 11:59 pm EST and is open to US and international residents legally able to enter (follow your country’s rules). If you want to earn extra entries, use the Rafflecopter widget below. The only requirement to be entered is that you leave Grace an encouraging note on this post. Thank you for participating.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please leave Grace an encouraging message below.


Giveaway & Author Interview: Grace Hitchcock

Giveaway & Author Interview: Grace Hitchcock

Today I get the pleasure of introducing you to my friend and fellow author, Grace Hitchcock. We met at the American Christian Fiction Writers conference a number of years ago, and it has been a huge blessing to watch her career blossom and grow. She is a fun and witty author with dashes of suspense depending on which book you read. She’s super talented and I’m so excited to have her on the blog this week.

Grace Hitchcock is the award-winning author of multiple historical novels and novellas. She holds a Masters in Creative Writing and a Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in History. Grace lives in the New Orleans area with her husband, Dakota, sons, and daughter. Connect with her online at

You can connect with her through:

Website  |  Newsletter  |  BookBub  |  GoodReads



Now for the fun stuff! I have to admit I am partial to my Fast Five. 🙂 So settle in as I hit Grace with rapid-fire.


CC: Milk or Dark Chocolate?

GH: Dark chocolate!

CC: Print or E-book?

GH: Love the feel of a print copy in my hands and seeing it on my shelf! I recently got a paperwhite kindle and I have to admit, I love that I can read at night again!!

CC: Cat or Dog Person?

GH: I’m allergic to both sadly, so I’m more of a Holland Lop bunny person!

CC: Morning Person or Night Owl?

GH: Totally morning, which is great because my kiddos wake up before six most mornings haha!

CC: Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter?

GH: Spring! Not only are the flowers bursting all around, but it’s King Cake season in Louisiana 🙂 And if you haven’t had a King Cake before, you should definitely order one! Heavenly.

Now for a couple of fun personal questions:

What are you reading right now?

GH: Currently, I am listening to Regina Jenning’s A Most Inconvenient Marriage and reading Gabrielle Meyer’s When the Day Comes. I recently finished Erica Vetsch’s The Gentleman Spy and LOVED it!!

CC: Oh girl. I can’t rave enough about The Gentleman Spy and The Debutante’s Code by Erica Vetsch! AMAZING. And Gabrielle Meyer’s is on my TBR. I haven’t read Regina’s but I know it is on my shelf. 🙂

What do you like to do when you aren’t reading or writing?

GH: I love to bake! I will take any excuse to make a pie or cake from scratch, or create new cookie recipes. I have been branching out into the pastry world and enjoy the challenge. In my current work-in-progress for Kregel Publication’s, the heroine is a baker, so I have the perfect excuse to try out her Regency recipes as well 🙂

CC: I am a baker as well, except my family rarely eats the types I like to make. LOL I cannot wait to read your book and maybe find a way to sneak to your house and try some of those Regency recipes.

What has been the biggest challenge on your writing journey?

GH: I’d say the biggest challenge is the ever-changing schedule of my writing days. With a Pre-K son, toddler, and almost-here infant, writing time happens in the little moments throughout the day and at night. Being flexible with writing time is difficult, but I’ve learned to focus during those spurts of time and have studied how to become more efficient with my writing speed while leaning heavily on the knowledge that the Lord will give me time and inspiration. I’m ever thankful to have a supportive husband who entertains the kiddos at the end of his work day and makes sure I have time to write each day if I wasn’t able to get to it.

CC: Having a supportive family is so huge, and I could definitely use some of your tips and tricks for focus during those snippets of time.  

Let’s talk about your first indie release, The Finding of Miss Fairfield.The Finding of Miss Fairfield: A Victorian Harvey Girls Romance (Aprons & Veils, Book 1) by [Grace Hitchcock]

When an engagement of convenience becomes anything but convenient . . .

Forced into a betrothal with a widower twice her age, Charleston socialite, Sophia Fairfield is desperate for an escape. But, while her fiancé is away on business, he assigns his handsome stepson, Carver, the task of looking after his bride-to-be. Much to her dismay, Sophia finds herself falling in love with the wrong gentleman—a man society would never allow her to marry, given Sophia was supposed to be his new stepmother. The only way to save Carver from scandal and financial ruin is to run away, leaving him and all else behind to become a Harvey Girl waitress at the Castañeda Hotel in New Mexico.

Carver Ashton has had his life planned out for him since birth, but when he encounters Sophia Fairfield, he glimpses a new life—apart from his overbearing stepfather’s business. But, when the woman he loves disappears before he can express his devotion, Carver abandons all to find her. However, his stepfather has other intentions for Sophia and will stop at nothing until she is his bride . . . even if it is against her will.

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CC: What was some of your favorite research in preparing for The Finding of Miss Fairfield?

GH: As an avid Harvey Girl fan, I read just about every Christian Historical Fiction work I could find as well as several non-fiction works on the subject. One of the craziest things I discovered while researching was that Fred Harvey originally had waiters serving in his houses, but one of his managers thought that if the houses were run by waitresses, the male guests eating at the Harvey House would be better behaved. Fred Harvey agreed and thus, the Harvey Girls were created!

CC: That is so cool. It is generally true that men behave better around women. Or at least that used to be true and is still true of my boys. But that may be that they just better behave FOR Mom so they don’t get in trouble.

How did this story affect you as you wrote it? Did God teach you anything through the writing?

GH: It is always funny to me that the themes written about in my novels are reflected in some form in my life. For The Finding of Miss Fairfield, the heroine deals with fear and I found as the release date for this novel approached, I was allowing myself to fall prey to fear as well. There is a healthy fear in writing in wanting to do your best and pushing yourself, but if that fear keeps you from taking a step that you know God has called you to take, there’s a problem. I had to laugh when it came time to send out my ARCs to my street team and NetGalley because I literally put it off for a few hours because I was so nervous about sending out my official first Indie published novel. Closing my eyes in prayer, I hit send. I’m praying the readers will find it entertaining!

CC: That fear can be a killer! You have not idea how proud I am of you for following God’s call and taking that step of hitting send.

How do you select the names of your characters?

GH: Usually I pick the names first and when I find the right name, I at once begin to see the person I am writing about. For this novel, I changed the heroine’s name several times to fit the woman she had become throughout my drafts. The hero’s name has stayed the same though 🙂 I use Names Through the Ages to pick accurate names for the region and the era. It’s an AMAZING resource!

CC: Oh girl, I am so excited about that resource! THANK YOU!!! I cannot wait to use it. 

Thank you so much for joining me today and providing all of us with a wonderful distraction. As my final question, I have my usual “Fun Question”.

If you could travel anywhere without worry about cost, where would you travel?

GH: This is a hard one! I have several places on my travel list, but I’d have to say that I want to go back to Paris and from there, I’d take the train and visit all the palaces and castles I could reach, filling a journal of writing research as I went!

CC: Sigh. Paris! One day, and YES to all the castles. How much story fodder there must be in those places! 

Thanks for getting to know Grace Hitchcock with me. Don’t forget to check out her book, Miss Fairfield, and answer the question below to let us know where you would travel. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for an autographed print copy! (Sorry, open to US mailing addresses only.)

The giveaway runs until August 23rd at 11:59 EST. Open to US mailing addresses only due to the cost of shipping.

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