Meet Greta Picklesimer

Meet Greta Picklesimer

The Christian Fiction community is a wonderful place to meet other writers who love to support one another. I’ve yet to meet Greta in person, but we have “met” online a few times through various writing conferences and groups. I am pleased to introduce her to you and her historical romance, The Rejected Mail-Order Bride.

Greta Picklesimer is a Christian historical romance author with two traditionally published books under her belt and another one in the works. Her books are set in Kentucky because she spent many happy summer family vacations visiting relatives and exploring the hills in the eastern part of the state. She was raised by Kentucky transplanted parents in Michigan.

When she is not writing, she spends her time working on her art/scrapbook journal, listening to audiobooks and dreaming up her next novel. She is owned by one rescue cat she named Pearlie Blue after one of her father’s favorite Bluegrass songs. By day, Greta works as an office assistant. At night, she writes.

You can connect with her through:  Website  |  Facebook  |  Instagram  |  Twitter/X  |  TikTok  

Now for the fun stuff! I have to admit I am partial to my Fast Five. 🙂 So settle in as I hit Greta with rapid-fire.


CC: Pineapple pizza or candy corn?

GP: Can’t I have both together? Candy corn on a pineapple pizza? (Um, yuck!) Okay, so if I have to choose one pineapple pizza.

CC: Test the waters or dive in the deep end?

GP: Test. Always test.

CC: Guacamole or salsa?

GP: Guacamole–yum.

CC: Silly hats or silly socks?

GP: If the silly hats are really small and hard to see from a distance, then silly hats. I would love to wear silly socks, but I wear compression stockings to keep my lymphedema under control.

CC: Passwords or secret handshakes?

GP: Passwords. I have 35 pages of passwords. I did have 40 pages but spent part of this morning paring them down.

Passwords are so hard to keep track of! I use an app to help me. Alright, let’s dive in to the meat of this interview.

What book has most impacted you?

GP: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. I was transported into the magical world of Narnia each and every time I read it. I was so impressed by Aslan (as a form of Christ) that I opted for the face of a lion on my class ring instead of the school mascot.

CC: That seems to be a pretty popular answer. How cool that you chose Aslan over your school mascot for your ring.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

GP: When I was eight years old, I started writing stories about imaginary worlds. I wrote short, one-act plays that my cousin and I acted out. Or tried to act out. They were mainly about monsters.

CC: How fun! I hope you kept some of those stories around.

What does your writing process look like in general?

GP: I usually write in the evenings when I get home from my job as an office assistant. Sometimes that means I go to bed right after eating and wake a few hours later to write. I don’t have a husband or children to interrupt me, but find I work better when I am rested. A nap is a wonderful thing. When I get an idea for a novel, I mull it over in my mind and let it take shape. I write out a very rough draft like one or two or more pages getting the most important details down on computer or paper. After the idea “cooks” for a while I start the actual process of writing and just let the words flow. I usually try to write 1,000 words in one sitting which can take about an hour or so. Don’t let that fool you. I’m a slow writer and don’t always come home from work and write. I’m a panster. Meaning I write by the seat of my pants (mostly). I don’t know everything that happens in my novels from start to finish. Sometimes the characters surprise me with their antics.

CC: It sounds like you are very disciplined, and I concur. Naps are beautiful things.

What is your writing Kryptonite?

GP: What kills writing for me? Fear. Fear of not being able to come up with the next sentence in my novel.

CC: I can relate to that.

What has been the biggest challenge for you on your writing journey?

GP: I fell back in October 2022 and ruptured my left patella tendon. I spent ten days in the hospital and two and a half months in a nursing home. That injury took a toll on my desire to write. I still struggle to get words on the page as often as I like.

CC: That is definitely something hard to come back from. 

How have you seen God work through your writing journey?

GP: He’s helping me discover my gift for writing and use it (try to use it) for His glory. My books have to do with second chances by imperfect characters that have made plenty of mistakes. The Lord plays a role in forgiving their sins and directing their lives.

CC: It is definitely a blessing to write for the Lord and try our best to reflect Him in our stories. 

Do you have any advice for those who want to write their own stories?

GP: Yes, don’t let anyone stop you or say you can’t do it. You can do it. Read how-to books in the genre in which you want to write. Get involved in local groups for writers. 

CC: All fantastic advice. Writing can be a very discouraging profession.

Now I’m excited to talk about The Rejected Mail-Order Bride.

When Rose Henderson steps off the train at the Harrisville Depot, she is confident that she can make a new start as a hatmaker and create a home for herself as far away from her father and his plans for her as possible. But when she meets the man who has promised to marry her, she suddenly finds her plans beginning to unravel. With barely any money to her name and an unstable future ahead of her, will Rose be able to find a place for herself in Harrisville, or will she have to succumb to her father’s will instead?

Harl Adams is a self-proclaimed bachelor, content to live on his family’s apple orchard and take care of his mother and the farm. Harl’s past as a soldier in the Civil War still haunts him, keeping him from any possible future with a wife and children. But when he meets Rose Henderson, Harl sees things quite differently. Rose is unlike any woman he has ever met before, and she challenges him to see things in a whole new way. Unfortunately, Rose has come to Harrisville to marry someone else, and Rose does not share the same faith that Harl does.

With a past chasing at her heels and an unsure future in front of her, what choice will Rose make?

Purchase your copy at  Amazon  

CC: Where did you get the idea for this story?

GP: For The Rejected Mail-Order Bride historical novel, I knew I wanted to have a plump woman who is rejected for her size by her would-be groom as soon as she gets off the train to meet him.
CC: Rejection is so hard to walk through, especially when done strictly on the basis of looks. 
What about this story drew you to it?

GP: I am a larger woman and could relate to Rose’s plight. Though I’ve never been a rejected mail-order bride or left at the altar, I could relate to being rejected for my size.

CC: I am so sorry that is something you’ve had to walk through.

Which character was the most fun to create?
GP: I really enjoyed highlighting just how much of a scoundrel Cletus Tooth, a character from the first book, Second Chance at Happiness, was in this book. He has some great lines. I think writing a pseudo-villain was fun.
CC: Villains really as so much fun to write. It’s been great having you here, but now it’s time to wrap up our interview with a fun question.
What animal is most like you?
GP: Cat because I love solitude and taking naps.
CC: Naps are soooooo delightful. In fact, I think I’m ready to take one now. Although I don’t think my family will appreciate me ditching them to do so. 
Readers, I hope you’ll check out The Rejected Mail-Order Bride and then leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and/or BookBub. You wouldn’t believe how important that is to an author.  

Giveaway Info

Greta is graciously providing one U.S. resident, 18 years and older, with wither an e-book or print copy of The Rejected Mail-Order Bride. Use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Entries open until 11:59 p.m. EST on June 25.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Reader, what types of characters would you like to see more of in Christian fiction?

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